Accepting Jesus Christ is only the first step to having a rich and rewarding life.  We must be encouraged to enhance our walk with Christ by being a true disciple of Jesus.  A disciple of Jesus is a life-long learner and grower in the way of Jesus.  This includes seeking every opportunity to be more like Jesus in the life we live around the clock. 

Here at Trinity, we provide several opportunities for growth and encourage our members to keep on growing.  Though our Sunday Church School, Discipleship, Membership and Bible Study Classes many of our members are discipled.  Persons from Trinity are also involved as facilitators and/or participants of individual and group Bible Study beyond our walls.

We challenge you to examine the status of your walk with Jesus and seek every opportunity to share Jesus with someone else.  It is as we reach out and allow the Jesus in us to touch the lives of others that persons are added to the ranks of those who are disciples of Jesus.  At the base level, a disciple is a follower of Jesus.  It is through our witness and testimony that we mirror to others lives that have been transformed by the power of the gospel.